Products and services that are promoted by video increase trust, interest, increase perceived value, and increase the probability of a sale by 85%! A welcome video is a good place to start and for those who wish to make more of an impact, here are a few more ideas. The possibilities are endless…

Profile Video

Potential clients are looking to you to help them. A profile video such as this is the perfect way to sell yourself indirectly, explain your philosophies, and highlight why clients should choose you. Videos like these create greater rapport and familiarity and can be the perfect place to deliver your U.S.P.


Social proof can be a very powerful tool to influence your visitors and increase your business. Video testimonials do this perfectly and capture genuine feedback that can help to substantiate your marketing messages. When it comes to credibility, video leaves written testimonials far behind.

How would a video like this boost your business?


One issue that can prevent clients from booking with you is that they don’t know what to expect. By showing them video of your work, the surroundings, people, and techniques, you can ease their fears and increase your chances of them booking with you.

Tricky subjects can be targeted with video info-graphics. More on this coming soon!


Residential training courses can be expensive and time consuming for many individuals. By creating quality training videos that can be accessed on-line you can make your courses accessible to more people all over the world, save your time and expenses, and still train people to your normal high standards.

Contact us for more information and ideas…


As a service provider, your potential income will always be limited by the time you have available. However, by creating specific video products you can earn an extra income whilst busy at work or away on holiday.

Through systems such as PayPal and applications that can be installed directly to your website, this can be a completely automated service.

Tips, Blogs and Give-aways

Creating free video tips, blogs, and giveaways can be a great way to attract visitors through social media sites and You Tube. They won’t make you rich overnight (unless they go viral) but have several advantages including attracting more visitors who may later become customers.

They’re great for getting your message across because people are more likely to watch video than read words.