Hypnotherapy Treatment Page Website Copy Template

Struggling to create your website copy for your treatment pages? Not sure where to even begin?

Use our fast track form!

Use this form for each of your treatment pages (Smoking, Weight Loss, Phobias, etc).

Fill in each box — and before you know it — you will have created a page of compelling web copy that covers all your bases.

And don;t worry, you don’t need to fill in everything during one session. You can save your progress (link’s at the end of the form) and return to it later.

  • e.g. Stop Smoking
  • e.g. Stop smoking for good with my proven hypnotherapy treatment
  • Join XXX previous clients by becoming a non-smoker. You'll be amazed at how quickly and easily cigarettes are no longer part of your life as you enjoy more money, better heath and a greater zest for life.
  • What’s at stake/the problem/frustration
  • Let your customer know very quickly what you have for them and why they should be interested. Sum up what you have in 1-2 lines - keep it short and sweet
  • Explain why the problem exists (DON’T blame your customer, find a situation/thing to point the finger at as the villain), mention methods that they may have tried (and failed with) in the past and explain why your methods are different
  • If you have a genuine testimonials from a client that has been through this journey with you to a successfiul outcome - paste it in here
  • Why will they experience with you? How long is each session? Where is it? How will they feel before/during/after? Do they receive any extras (homework, CDs, etc)
  • Wrap up be reiterating the benefits they will have once they have completed their treatment with you. How will they feel? What will they now be empowered to do?
  • Do you offer a Guarantee? If so, mention it here.
  • Why should they act? Why should they act NOW? What should they do? What happens NEXT?
  • If you have a genuine testimonials from a client that has been through this journey with you to a successfiul outcome - paste it in here
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.